Winter: the number of people with respiratory diseases increases in Lima | Trade | Lima | Events


As of the end of school in 2005, Ayacuchana Liset Pilihuamán packed the little she had and emigrated to Lima. Today, at the age of 28, she has two children and lives in a prefabricated house with a calamine roof on Las Palmeras Hill in Las Lomas, a colony of Villa María del Triunfo (VMT which this season covers the fog.

In this location, four out of 10 children have already been treated at the station because of respiratory problems. Liset's two children are part of the statistics.

This area and others like Ticlio Chico were declared emergency on July 4th because of the low temperatures. Yesterday, a Ministry of Health (Minsa) brigade vaccinated children, adults and elderly people in these areas to prevent influenza, which, unlike colds, can be complicated by deadly consequences.

According to the National Center for Minsa Epidemiology, until June 16, 1,493 people were hospitalized because of respiratory infections, which increase during the winter throughout Lima, especially in the high areas. The number is slightly higher than the number of cases in June of last year (1,319).

Contrary to the increase in hospitalizations, the number of deaths in the capital due to respiratory infections has decreased. As of June 16 this year, there were 4 deaths, while there were already 13 deaths in 2017.

Yencey Barranzuela, a Minsa Officer in charge of Sanitary Interventions in South Lima , said that with the emergency measure in the VMT gives priority to targeted vaccination and the provision of drugs in all health facilities in the region.

Another thing that has been achieved with this measure is that, for example, the post in which they are served Liset Pilihuamán and his neighbors already have a nebulizer and an oxygen balloon. The institution did not have until a week ago these instruments needed to treat respiratory problems.

Patients, mainly children, were referred to the Manuel Barreto Maternal and Infant Center, more than half an hour from the place of residence. nebulized 

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