Women are called to practice Papanicolaou


San Luis Potosí is not considered in the entities of the Mexican Republic with greater morbidity as a result of cervical cancer, however they call the field of medical benefits of the 39; Mexican Social Security Institute, IMSS, to perform the Pap smear test, because it can save lives.

In 2017, the federal government's Ministry of Health recognized 13,000,960 cases a year, placing it among the second leading cause of death among Mexican women. 25 to 59 years old.

This analysis makes it possible to detect early diseases such as cancer or the human papillomavirus, HPV, which can trigger diseases such as haemorrhages, tumors or others; that is why the delegation of the IMSS, launched this appeal to the female population, to go with your family doctor and ask for the completion of Papanicolaou study, or at the PrevenIMSS offices, in the different family medicine units, at least once a year.

Performing this test is of vital importance because it is useful for the detection of cervical cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases that may endanger life and health. women's health. 19659002] In this area, one of the diseases that unfortunately is still detected in the advanced stages is cancer of the cervix or uterine cervix that usually develops slowly. This disease begins with precancerous changes, called dysplasia, that can be detected by this test.

In general, of the cases detected with an injury, about 35% disappear with treatment, 45% are present intermittently, that is, the disease recurs and only 20% of patients with between them can progress to cancer.

Another recommendation to prevent HPV is the application of the vaccine against this disease to girls up to the age of 9 years. which is applied in PrevenIMSS offices and health campaigns.

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