Photo quick, mom shares a photo to help parents detect the first signs of sepsis


A thinking mother shared a photo to help parents detect signs of sepsis soon after her young son contracted fatal poisoning with blood after a fall.

Ewan Ruddy, aged eight, was at the zoo when he was running and fell on gravel.


Concerned – mom Alexandra Ruddy, 41 years old


First sign – a week after the fall, Ewan noticed that he was wearing a small red mark tracing a vein on his right arm – which was the first sign of sepsis

His mother, 41-year-old Alexandra Ruddy, said she suffered small bloody abrasions on her hand, elbows, and knees, but "did not think about it."

However, a week later, on June 1, Ewan noticed that he was wearing a small red mark tracing a vein on his right arm – which was the first sign of sepsis.

Sepsis is a deadly disease caused by your body's reaction to an infection.

Alexandra, director of a Jersey law firm, Channel Islands, said: "It's blood poisoning, sepsis.

"This is not something you can" leave "until Monday, when the doctors will be back in the office."

The mother of the three children said it shocked her because Ewan had fallen and was scratched, but "the wounds did not look infected" or "black".

She said: "When we brought her home, we immediately cleaned her and put bandages on him.

"Herbs were not from the cat and did not look infected, so I was not too worried or worried."

She added: "He had a slight temperature and Ewan showed my husband a red mark and my husband said that it was nothing and that we should not worry about it.

"But Ewan did not stop saying that he did not like it and that it was uncomfortable and irritating."

Alexandra took him to A & E where doctors quickly confirmed that Ewan had contracted sepsis, a disease that kills an estimated 15,000 people in England each year.

She added, "I took him outside of normal hours, feeling a little silly, but when the doctor saw him, he congratulated me for recognizing him and to have it down as soon as possible.

"The doctor said congratulations for coming here because it could have been a lot worse.

"He placed a black marker on the line and said that if it became wider or wider than that line, you had to come back immediately."

The doctor at the Jersery General Hospital gave Ewan oral antibiotics and Alexandra they started working on the second day.

Alexandra is raising public awareness with the charity Mannin Sepsis in the hope of helping to "save someone's life".

She originally posted the photo online and has received more than 36,000 shares since June 2.

Alexandra said: "Fortunately, antibiotics work and it feels good.

"If you see that red line that leaves from an injury along the vein, do you see you or your child right away." Ewan was fine, he was happy, which made him made difficult to notice.

"He was absolutely good and that's what's scary.

"I hope my message will help somebody.

"My job has already helped a woman who did not feel well and who had the red line, she went to the doctor and now takes antibiotics, I'm glad it helps."

Founder and Director of Mannin Sepsis Charity, Dee Struthers, said: "Any infection can lead to sepsis when your own body races to fight the infection.

"He is fighting so hard and racing that he starts attacking all your vital organs, closing them, which can lead to loss of limbs or even death.

"Every hour counts, every hour lost increases the risk of death by 8%.

"It is important to consult a doctor and ask yourself the question" could it be caused by sepsis? "

"If you or a loved one displays any of the signs or symptoms, always trust your instinct and ask."


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