Police chiefs and Texas sheriffs warn the state: do not decriminalize the pot


AUSTIN (Nexstar) – Police chiefs and sheriffs across Texas have called on lawmakers to reject legislation that would expand marijuana use for medical purposes and decriminalize marijuana possession at a low level.

One of the bills opposed by the Texas Police Chiefs Association and the Sheriffs Association of Texas was passed by the House of Representatives Criminal Justice Committee of the House of Commons at a vote at 5 against Monday. Bill 63 has the effect of reducing low-level marijuana possession from criminal to civil property.

Law enforcement officials said Tuesday at a press conference that they were supportive of the use of marijuana for therapeutic purposes when it was n & # 39; There was no alternative available for the treatment of patients, but they also argued that other states that have legalized grass face greater threats to public safety.

"When consumers believe or see that something is legal, it is thought that it must be less harmful and that's just not the case," said Grand Prairie Police Chief Steve. Dye.

The Republican and Democratic parties in Texas contend that the state is taking steps to decriminalize weeds.

"The policy proposed by this bill is consistent with the Republican and Democratic platforms as well as many other states.This change will allow taxpayers to save money and allow the police and the courts to redefine their resources to deal with more serious crimes, "said the minister. Jax Finkel, Executive Director of Texas NORML. The organization focuses on the reform of the cannabis law.

"Juvenile offenders with possession of marijuana, many of them young people, should not have a criminal record or life sentences and the associated stigma," Finkel said after Bill 63 was passed. by a committee.

Collin County Sheriff Jim Skinner urged lawmakers to consider more than just the health benefits, but also the risks associated with ingestion of a drug. He warned of possible unintended consequences, such as driving with a level of intoxication that he would consider dangerous. He also suggested that cities and counties consider the financial impact.

"A law could allow a municipality or county to opt out, for example, allowing marijuana retail stores in a jurisdiction, but cities and counties will have a strong incentive to license them," Skinner said. "Why? Because sales tax revenue."

Cannabusiness was the focus of a series of panels at SXSW earlier this month.


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