Radio host who denounced Fauci and dead COVID-19 vaccines


  • Longtime radio host Dick Farrel has died of COVID-19 after speaking out against vaccines on Facebook.
  • “Why take a vax promoted by people who have lied all the time about the masks,” one of his posts reads.
  • After contracting the virus, friends said Farrel texted them and urged them to get the vaccine.

A Florida radio host who has publicly criticized coronavirus vaccines has died from COVID-19.

Dick Farrel has often advocated against the vaccine on his personal Facebook page.

“Why take a vax promoted by people who have lied all the time about masks, where does the virus come from and the death toll?” Farrel wrote on Facebook on July 3, without context or further clarification.

“Vaccine Bogus Bull Shid !, Two people I know have been vaxed, now have Corona, hospitalized in critical condition,” he wrote on July 1. “Thank you Moderna, FOR NOTHING!”

His friend, Mike McCabe, said on Facebook that Farrel, 65, had been battling COVID-19 for three weeks before his death this week.

Farrel also spoke out against Dr Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading coronavirus expert, calling him “crazy about lies”.

The longtime radio host was a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, Facebook posts show.

After contracting the virus, friends said Farrel texted them and urged them to get the vaccine, according to WPTV, an NBC News affiliate.

“He’s the reason I took the picture,” said Amy Leigh Hair, Farrel’s close friend. “He texted me and told me to ‘get it! “He told me this virus was no joke and he said, ‘I wish I had it!’

After his death, his friends and former colleagues began to pay homage to him.

Lee Strasser, former general manager of the market for CBS Radio West Palm Beach, said Farrel was “flamboyant, at times outrageous and ready to take on any comers,” WPTV reported.

“Was he right all the time? No,” Strasser added. “But he was always right, especially if you asked him. Did he stay out of trouble? Not always. Was he great with customers? Yes. Was he pleasant in the building? Absolutely. Was he loyal? Unquestionably.! Was he gifted? Yes, sir! His passing is a great loss. He was a caring person, full of passion, and his memory will stand the test of time. We have all lost. a friend in Farrel.

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