Scientists create liquid metal that stretches like Terminator



Paging Arnold Schwarzenegger, this liquid metal can stretch and move.

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Fortunately, scientists have not actually created an unscrupulous Terminator-style killing machine. Another good news, they discovered how to make a liquid metal that can stretch in all kinds of directions. It looks like a real science fiction visual effect.

The American Chemical Society released Wednesday a video of the metal in action, accompanied by an article titled "Magnetic Liquid Metals Manipulated" ("Magnetic Liquid Metals Handled") in the journal "Three-Dimensional Free Space" of Applied Materials & Interfaces.

Robert Patrick as T-1000 Liquid Metal in Terminator 2: The Day of Judgment.

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The shiny liquid metal can be handled with magnets. It extends like the fictional T-1000 robot of Terminator 2 and can also be used to complete a circuit.

Scientists from Beihang University in China led the research project.

"They added iron particles to an alloy drop of gallium, indium and tin immersed in hydrochloric acid," reported ACS. "A layer of gallium oxide formed on the surface of the droplets lowered the surface tension of the liquid metal." This allows him to stretch and move without breaking.

We are far from androids in the process of transformation, but researchers believe that this type of liquid metal may one day be integrated with soft robotics. You can almost hear him whisper, "I'm coming back."


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