Scientists identify number of hours to eat per day to optimize longevity


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Intermittent fasting. Over the past decade, research has found evidence that restricting the hours you eat may reduce your risk for obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions that can result from an imbalanced metabolism.

The body has a network of internal clocks that respond to external signals, including food consumption. Maintaining a feeding schedule – and giving your cells a break from food processing – can reduce circadian disruptions that interfere with cell function and are linked to a host of metabolic health issues. Helpfully enough, exact time allocation is already a popular choice for those who practice intermittent fasting.

In a new article on time-limited eating published this month Endocrine examinations, scientists maintain that the golden ratio between time spent eating and time spent fasting is 8 to 16 hours. The 8:16 a.m. time allocation is a popular choice for intermittent fasting enthusiasts, but the authors of the article make a distinction between intermittent fasting and time-limited eating that is important to call:

“Intermittent fasting involves some sort of calorie restriction. Time-limited consumption doesn’t, ”said Emily Manoogian, lead author of the article and researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. Reverse.

“It can happen, but it’s not part of the intervention.

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In a time-limited diet, a person refrains from eating for the same time window each day. Typically, that means going without 14 to 16 hours of meals, snacks and nibbles. For obvious reasons, those hours without food usually correspond to sleep.

Why is it a hack – By not eating for 14 to 16 hours, you’re giving your body a chance to use up the glucose it built up from your last meal, without having to process another load.

The body is full of internal clocks that run on a 24-hour schedule. There is a master clock in the brain, but every organ and every cell has its own peripheral clock.

One of the functions of these clocks is to keep blood glucose levels relatively constant. Eating food loads the body with glucose and increases blood sugar levels. Subsequently, insulin moves this glucose around the cells for energy, and blood sugar levels drop.

After a while, the body comes to expect a new infusion of glucose at certain times, the researchers say, which allows it to better refine its process of distributing glucose and leaving less to linger. in the bloodstream or eventually turn into fat..

When a person is at rest, their insulin levels are low. At the same time, glucose from a late-night snack can stick around and cause high blood sugar. If it stays that way, high blood sugar can cause diabetes and other metabolic conditions that affect long-term health.

But producing energy from glucose isn’t the only function of these peripheral clocks – each cell must also break down unnecessary molecules and toxins, as well as repair damage to its DNA and organelles.

“[This] a three-part process cannot happen all at once, ”said Satchin Panda, professor at the Salk Institute and co-author of the article. Reverse.

By eating like Liz Lemon at all times, you interrupt the time that these cells can perform these other functions by reminding them to process glucose.

Science in action – Most time-limited feeding studies so far have been done in mice, so it’s difficult to translate the results directly to humans.

In a 2012 study, also conducted by researchers at the Salk Institute, two groups had access to all they could on high-fat diets, but one only had access for eight hours a day. These mice consumed the same number of calories from the same food sources as the other group, but were largely free from high-fat diet-induced obesity and associated metabolic diseases. Researchers have also shown improvements in gene expression and metabolic pathways.

The few studies involving humans have been so-so. In a study of male endurance runners, those who followed eight weeks of eight-hour time-limited diets lost four pounds of weight compared to a control group. However, the diets did not improve their performance when it comes to their sport.

In a study of “healthy” men, the time-controlled diet group showed signs of improved glucose use. And in another study of obese men, those who ate a time-limited diet for two months consumed an average of 550 fewer calories per day not counting calories than the control group.

This new article draws attention to the fact that the research is just beginning. But Manoogian says the biggest benefits of a time-limited diet should be seen over the lifetime risk of chronic disease.

“This is an important element that has been ignored for too long,” she says. “We know how optimal cellular performance could fight disease and risk over time. “

How it affects longevity – Cranky peripheral clocks lead to suboptimal cell processing, which can have several health effects, explains Panda.

“For example, when our liver or fat cells cannot break down enough stored fat – which happens during the 24 hour circadian rhythm fasting period – we can build up too much fat in the liver, resulting in fatty liver disease. “he said. .

More research is needed to identify chronic diseases that can be relieved with a time-limited diet, Manoogian says, but circadian disruptions are linked to a variety of problems that all lead to chronic disease.

“It increases inflammation,” she says. “It decreases the regulation of glucose. It increases fat reserves. There are a lot of potential issues there. Every affective disorder – depression, bipolar disorder – is linked to a circadian disturbance. “

Food is more disruptive to the peripheral clock system than other types of circadian disturbances, such as inconsistent sleeping and waking hours, she adds.

Intermittent fasting is certainly all the rage, but studies show that it can also influence how the body stores and uses glucose without requiring changes in what or how much a person eats. However, the results so far are preliminary, but they are also exciting, especially if we think beyond the idea of ​​weight.

“I think its overall health benefits are probably more important than modest weight loss,” Manoogian explains.

PIRACY SCORE – ?? (6/10 hourglasses)

Summary: Time-limited diet (TRF, animal studies) and time-limited diet (TRE, humans) are an emerging behavioral intervention approach based on understanding the role of circadian rhythms in physiology and metabolism. In this approach, any calorie intake is limited to a constant interval of less than 12 hours without overtly attempting to cut calories. This article will summarize the origin of TRF / TRE starting with the concept of circadian rhythms and the role of chronic circadian rhythm disturbance in increasing the risk of chronic metabolic diseases. Circadian rhythms are generally seen as the sleep-wake cycle and dependent rhythms originating from the central nervous system. However, the recent discovery of circadian rhythms in peripheral organs and the plasticity of these rhythms in response to changes in nutritional availability has raised the possibility that adopting a short daily window of consistent feeding may maintain a robust circadian rhythm. . Preclinical animal studies have demonstrated proof of concept and identified potential mechanisms underlying the benefits of TRF. Pilot studies of human intervention have reported promising results in reducing the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Epidemiological studies have indicated that maintaining a prolonged and constant fast at night, which is similar to a time-limited diet, can significantly reduce the risk of chronic disease. Despite these early successes, more clinical and mechanistic studies are needed to implement TRE alone or as an adjuvant lifestyle intervention for the prevention and management of chronic metabolic disease.


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