Special Report: CBD Oil Craze


COUNTY OF GREAT TRAVERSE, Mich. (WPBN / WGTU) – Does it work wonders? Or is it just a craze for health? CBD oil arouses both curiosity and criticism across the country.

"They tried everything to try to relieve her pain," said Christine Stalsonburg, whose husband has neuropathy. "So we started taking CBD oil, and he noticed a reduction in his pain 20 minutes after the start of treatment and about 80% of his numbness is now gone."

Many people say that CBD oil has changed their lives, either by relieving pain or simply by improving their overall well-being, but there is not much scientific research to confirm this – at least not yet.

Stalsonburg is a Registered Massage Therapist and Certified Clinical Aromatherapist who owns Angelic Energy in Traverse City.

"At the moment, we can not say that it works, repairs or heals anything," Stalsonburg said. "All we can say is that it supports the endocannabinoid system of our body to help promote wellness, and in doing so, people are saying amazing" side effects, "if you will."

CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant, hemp, but it does not make you as high as marijuana.

"The cannabis plant is very rich in THC, which is the psychotropic part, and very low in CBD concentrations," said Stalsonburg. "On the other hand, the hemp plant is very, very high in the CBD compound and very, very low traces of THC – almost minute."

With less than 0.3% THC, CBD oil can be purchased in all its forms; capsules, sweets, and now, in your coffee.

"It makes me feel good, so why not try serving that to other people," said Dan Guy, owner of Espresso Bay in Traverse City.

Guy is living with an autoimmune disease that causes constant leg pain and says that he has tried just about everything you can imagine to try to mitigate it.

A few years ago, he was relieved after a friend introduced him to CBD Oil.

"It started working about 20 minutes after taking the capsule and it completely changed my life," said Guy.

Guy started experimenting with recipes at home and, once the FDA passed the 2018 Farm Improvement Act, the owner of Espresso Bay added a café au lait au CBD to the menu.

"I can taste cinnamon and milk, but it does not taste or smell unusual or anything like that," said a customer who was trying it for the first time.

A different customer, Bea Kurek, said that she had been using CBD oil for years and that she was making candy herself.

"I saw that they had this latte, and I tried it, and my headache went away in about 15 minutes," Kurek said. "It was so cool that I will come back, a lot."

Migraines, joint pain, anxiety, sleep disorders are things that people use as CBD oil.

"CBD oil has many therapeutic benefits," Stalsonburg said. "It works in the endocannabinoid system."

A system in the human and animal bodies that, according to Stalsonburg, was discovered about twenty years ago by Israeli scientists and doctors.

"They have found up to now two different receptor sites, one is the CB1 site, which affects our central nervous system [our brain and our spinal column] and then there are CB2 receptor sites that are all on the periphery. When the CBD attaches to CB2 sites located on the periphery, where people suffer a lot of pain and inflammation, the oil helps to reduce this inflammation and we start to see a large part pain disappears because 90% of our pain in the disease processes are all based on inflammation.

However, at the present time, CBD supplements are still not regulated or tested by the FDA, and very little scientific research has been conducted in our country on the benefits of CBD oil.

"I think it's kind of the scary part with a lot of people in the medical field," Stalsonburg said. "There is not enough scientific information to demonstrate long-term use to see if there is going to be a disadvantage or negative side effects, so they sit in the background, waiting because they do not want to be that one in a legal battle because they were recommending something that has no proven track record. "

In June 2018, the FDA approved a drug, Epidiolex, containing cannabis-derived CBD for the treatment of seizures associated with two rare and serious forms of epilepsy.

Stalsonburg says drugs can cost more than $ 1,000 a month.

As with any nutritional supplement, you should inform your doctor before you try CBD oil.

If you would like to learn more about CBD Oil, Stalsonburg will host a free informative event at Lucky's Market in Traverse City from 6pm to 8pm.


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