Starwatch: the young moon is heading towards Jupiter and Saturn | Science


Starwatch chart 2 September 2019 Jupiter Saturn Moon

At the beginning of this week, watch for the appearance of a young moon. The lunar month started on August 30 and from tonight it should be relatively easy to see a thin crescent moon. It will appear low in the west shortly after sunset. Find a clear western horizon, preferably on a hill or at the top of a building, and start watching as soon as the sun disappears under the horizon. As the week progresses, the moon becomes easier to spot as the crescent grows and appears higher in the sky at dusk. On September 5th, the moon will pass near the brilliant planet of Jupiter to the southwest. As the weekend begins, the moon will continue to grow and will pass September 6 to the phase of its first half-moon district. He then moves towards a close encounter with Saturn on 6 and 7 September. The graph shows the positions of Jupiter, Saturn and the moon on September 6, when the moon is halfway between the two planets.


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