Study: People who sleep less than seven hours show lower intakes of micro and macro nutrients | Medicine, nutrition


In a new study, a team of researchers at Pharmavite LLC and Nutrition Impact LLC found that people sleeping less than seven hours a night on average consumed smaller amounts of vitamins A, D and B1, as well as magnesium, niacin and calcium, zinc and phosphorus. Scientists also found that more nutrients were associated with poor sleep in women compared to men. This number was reduced if women took dietary supplements, suggesting that supplements can help fill the gaps when a person's diet does not provide the necessary nutrients.

Ikonte et al demonstrated the importance of micro and macronutrient intake on many sleep variables. Image credit: Sweet Briar College.

Ikonte et al demonstrated the importance of micro and macronutrient intake on many sleep variables. Image credit: Sweet Briar College.

Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that our bodies need but do not produce. As a result, they must come from our diet. Globally, billions of people suffer from at least one micronutrient deficiency.

Previous studies have shown that micronutrients play an important role in growth and development, disease prevention and healing, as well as in normal bodily functions, including sleep.

Magnesium, for example, helps the body produce melatonin and other compounds involved in sleep. Some studies suggest that zinc plays a role in the regulation of sleep.

"Our work adds more and more evidence linking specific nutrient intakes to sleep outcomes," said Dr. Chioma Ikonte, Director of Nutritional Sciences at Pharmavite LLC.

Dr. Ikonte and his colleagues analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Assessment Survey (NHANES, 2005-2016) to assess the relationship between intake and health. in nutrients and sleep variables.

Seven sleep variables included in the analysis were: short hours of sleep (less than 7 hours), poor sleep, poor sleep and poor sleep quality, insomnia, sleep latency, and use of sleeping pills over 5 times in the last month.

In adults (19 years and older), 32.7% had a short sleep, 47.3% a poor quality of sleep, 8.94% a sleep disorder, 37.9% sleep latency, 9, 3% took sleeping pills, 15.1% had insomnia, and 27.7% had sleep problems.

Within this population, sleep deprivation was significantly associated with the greatest number of nutrients, showing an inverse association with the intake of magnesium, niacin, vitamin D, calcium and dietary fiber.

However, among the seven sleep variables, magnesium, niacin and vitamin D demonstrated a significant inverse association in this population.

Reverse associations were also found for dietary intake and short sleep and sleep disorders, phosphorus intake and poor sleep, sleep latency and use sleeping pills, as well as vitamin K intake and poor quality sleep, sleep disorders, sleep latency and adult combined sex.

However, in this population, there were direct associations between protein and vitamin B6 intake and short sleep, sleep and sleep disorders, sodium and vitamin A intake, and sleep quality. poor sleep latency and use of sleep pills, vitamin B12 and ADL (activities of daily living) mediocre and insomnia; and for zinc intake and sleep quality, sleep latency, the use of sleeping pills, mediocre AVQ and insomnia.

Among adult women, dietary fiber was the only nutrient to show an inverse association with the seven sleep variables.

"Our findings suggest that people with short sleep periods could benefit from improving their intake of these nutrients through diet and supplementation," Dr. Ikonte said.

"If chronic short sleep causes nutrient insufficiency or nutritional failure cause short sleep has yet to be determined."

"A clinical study that studies the effects of supplementation with these nutrients on sleep outcomes is needed to demonstrate the causes and effects."

The researchers presented their findings on June 9 to 2019 Nutrition, annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, Baltimore.


Chioma Ikonte et al. NHANES 2005-2016 data analysis showed a significant association between micro and macronutrient intakes and various sleep variables. 2019 Nutrition, abstract # P06-103-19


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