Sudanese factions form new alliance as divisions deepen | New


The ceremony included political parties, the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Mini Minawi and Gibril Ibrahim’s Justice and Equality Movement.

Several political factions, including former rebel groups, have announced the formation of an alliance separate from the main Sudanese civilian bloc, in the latest sign of a split marring the country’s transition.

The announcement on Saturday at a ceremony in Khartoum came as Sudan reels over the fragmentation within the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC), an alliance that has spearheaded protests that overthrew President Omar al-Bashir in April 2019.

Sudan has been ruled since August 2019 by an administration of military generals and FFC civilians through an eventful transition marked by economic difficulties.

Divisions have deepened within the FFC in recent months, and support for the transitional government led by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has waned largely due to a series of difficult economic reforms.

Saturday’s ceremony included political parties as well as the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) faction led by Mini Minawi and Gibril Ibrahim’s Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).

“We want a united FFC,” Minawi said at the ceremony.

“We urge those on your side who claim to be from the FFC to sit with us and listen to us,” he added, addressing the head of the Sovereign Council of Sudan, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and to the Prime Minister.

Hamdok did not attend the ceremony on Saturday.

In early September, he was at the signing ceremony for an alliance of other factions within the FFC which also called for unity, calling it “a step in the right direction”.

Neither Minawi nor Ibrahim participated in this signing.

In October last year, Minawi’s SLM faction and Ibrahim’s JEM were among rebel groups that signed a peace deal with the government to end the long-running conflicts under al-Bashir.

Minawi was appointed governor of the war-ravaged region of Darfur in western Sudan in May, while Ibrahim was appointed finance minister last February.

On September 21, the government announced foil an attempted coup by soldiers and civilians who she said were linked to the al-Bashir regime.

The country is grappling with protests in eastern Sudan by key tribes opposed to the October peace deal.

Demonstrations also erupted in major cities, including Khartoum, condemning the attempted military coup and calling for civilian rule.

Sudanese protesters take part in protest in Khartoum against the country’s army [File: Marwan Ali/AP Photo]


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