Supernatural Season 15: The Woman in White Returns


"Welcome to the end," says Dean in the first teaser of the last season of Supernatural. In this case, more real words have never been spoken. The glance, which fell on Friday, hints at a hell of a trip for the Winchesters, who have to face their past in a way that they could never have anticipated.

In the preview, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) discover an abandoned red car with traces of blood on the glass. This is a brutal but familiar scene that confirms what we already knew: The Woman in White (Sarah Shahi), which the Winchesters banished to hell in the pilot episode, is back. Oh, and it seems like the favorite psychotic serial killer clown, John Wayne Gacy, is coming back for the last season as well.

Season 15 finds Sam, Dean and Cas in search of a host of familiar enemies like Gacy and the woman in white, who have returned after the aggressive assault of Chuck's finger (Rob Benedict) who has opened the gates of hell in the breathtaking finale of season 14. With God being more on their side, the boys will go through a crisis of faith as they face their bigger fight.

Supernatural returns for his 15th and final season on Thursday October 10 at 8 / 7c on the CW.

(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of CBS Corporation.)

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