Suspicious mumps outbreak hits Harris County Jail


Authorities are awaiting test results after the alleged outbreak of an outbreak of mumps in Harris County Jail this week.

According to sheriff spokesman Jason Spencer, 10 inmates have experienced symptoms of viral infection. The possible epidemic had an impact on visits to any of the prison buildings and the concerned inmates were quarantined.

Until now, no staff member shows signs of infection, Spencer said.

The disease, which usually affects the salivary glands, is transmissible up to three days before the onset of symptoms, according to health officials. Symptoms may include swelling, rash, and fever. It remains contagious for five days after the onset of symptoms.

READ MORE: Mumps stops visiting two Texas jails

When they are reached during childhood, mumps is usually benign. After puberty, however, men have a risk of testicular swelling of 30%, which can lead to infertility.

Mumps outbreaks are not uncommon in correctional facilities. In 2017, the Texas penitentiary system ended some of its prisons in South Texas because of possible epidemics in that country.

"Mumps has been quite common in South Texas," said then-spokesman Jason Clark. "And what you see in the community is often found in the penitentiary system."

According to the Executive Director of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards, Brandon Wood, in case of an outbreak of mumps in prison, the facilities are not necessarily to blame.

"Prisons have limited control over who can enter their facilities," he said. "It's not like with enough cleaners, you can make sure mumps does not happen."

After identifying several inmates in two of the county jail buildings showing symptoms on Tuesday, authorities ordered tests to confirm the diagnosis of mumps. Spencer said that prison doctors "strongly suspect" that it is mumps. The test results are expected Wednesday morning.

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