1,200 lives can be saved through organized prostate cancer tests


The Mustasch campaign of the year has now begun. The Prostate Cancer Society is spreading its knowledge and seeking support for research on the most common form of cancer in Sweden.

"It's not always easy for us men to talk about diseases and our health, and few people know that prostate cancer is the most common cancer disease in Sweden. will be cured if it is discovered early, so the Mustasch Camp urges all men 50 and older to take a PSA test at their health center, so greet your father, brother, partner, or polar party – together, we can save lives, says Peter "Foppa" Forsberg, ambassador for the new lead partner ATG Dream Fund in a press release.

An important aspect for the Prostate Cancer Association is the introduction of general screening for prostate cancer, which the National Board of Health has recommended health care to introduce.

But in many parts of the country, he is striving to set up organized PSA tests. The Skåne region will be the first in Sweden to introduce organized PSA tests.

"In recent years, the number of men being screened for PSA has risen sharply.At today, about 50% of all adult men have measured their PSA value, but this was mainly at home. The initiative of the individual.The tests that are taking place today have been fragmented on a multitude of small devices offering little opportunity to acquire new knowledge and more advanced technology.L & # 39; Lack of systematic and professional consensus has created a situation of "wild screening" .Many men often perform tests, sometimes totally useless, while others do not do it at all through ignorance, insecurity or So it's very useful to introduce an organized test system, "said Jan Frick, president of Pro Vitae, the regional association of the Prostate Cancer Association. in Eastern Skania in the press release.

Even in other parts of Sweden, he is currently preparing for organized PSA tests.

– In Västra Götaland, a similar project is being planned. The County Councils of Örebro and Värmland offer a consultation with a nurse. Men who choose to be tested after the information are offered a PSA test. If an organized PSA test is introduced across the country, the Prostate Cancer Association estimates that the number of prostate cancer deaths will fall by half, to 1,200 men instead of 2,400 men per year, according to Torsten Tullberg, head of the Mustasch Camp campaign.

According to the press release, the government has decided to allocate SEK 8.4 million to further organized tests of prostate cancer.

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