28 degrees on housing dementia – Erik, 95, has no fan


Three months ago, 95-year-old Erik Brattlund moved to the Attendee Rio retirement home dementia department in Gärdet, Stockholm.

He pays 6,500 a month for his room and 4,900 for food and nursing. But in the $ 11,400, no fan or AC is included – even though room temperature has now risen to 28 degrees. Because it's a house of dementia, windows must always be closed.

– You should be happy to even have a retirement home, but the room should be livable, says Christina Gustavsson, daughter of Eriks, 71 years old.

Daddy hurts …

– I hear him not having a spark. I call every day saying that he has to drink a lot – if he does not, he will die now. "I'm trying, I'm trying," he says just. It's too hot for such an elderly person.

Erik Brattlund, 95, recently moved to a dementia care facility at Attendo Rio retirement home in Gärdet, Stockholm.


Class 2 Warnings for High Temperatures

In the Stockholm area, SMHI issued a Class 2 warning for high temperatures. Class 2 is the most serious warning class for heat and is delivered because heat causes increased pressure on the body, which is likely to cause problems for at-risk groups. This includes the chronically ill and the elderly.

Bertil Forsberg is professor of environmental medicine at the University of Umeå and studies the effects of heat waves on health. He believes that health care and care for the elderly should be better prepared for the prevention of dangerous heat crises.

– It is 30 degrees inside is not healthy. In Sweden, shopping malls and offices have air conditioners, but no service houses, retirement homes and health centers.

Operations Manager: "The fans are complete"

Christina von Segebaden is Director of Operations at Attendo Rio where Erik Brattlund lives. When the Express speaks to her, she says:

– It's clear that it's hot in Rio like in almost every other place. I know we have fans for what we bought. What does she look like to this person, I can not answer, she says.

The daughter of this person says that she asked to have a fan in the room but got the answer that you do not have one.

– So I do not know if all we have is busy. At the moment, it's not possible to have more fans – it's sold everywhere. It's extreme heat.

Von Segebaden believes that the staff do their utmost to help the elders in the heat – for example, all accommodation activities have been temporarily suspended.

– AC does not exist because it's an old house We do what we can by ensuring that there are chilled drinks and that the residents are on the balcony when there is a shadow.

After expressing the elderly, Christina announced that her father had a fan in his room.

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