6,000 soccer shots burned for Sveaskog


Sveaskog owns 14% of Sweden's forest resources and has so far been 3,000 hectares, which equates to 6,000 football shots in the forest fires ravaging Sweden, reports Svenska Dagbladet.

Sveaskog does not yet appreciate the economic values ​​that have disappeared with the forested forest.

READ MORE: Count on a more expensive insurance for your forest after the giant fire

"Depends on the forest that burned"

– It depends on the type of forest that you have. it burns, it can act of production forest "Inger Thorén Emilsson, director of communications, Svenska Dagbladet

The Forest Council has already calculated that the total of 25 000 hectares of forest has a value of more 900 million.

Gävleborg County is the hardest hit, followed by Jämtland and Dalarna.

Cultural Club owned by the State of Sveaskog.

Photo: Sveaskog

MORE INFO: Multimiljardar forest burned 20 times this summer

Mellanskog fires hit hard

Skogsägarföreningen Mellanskog suffered a lot.

– We have 26,000 members in central Sweden and many of them are in Härjedalen and Ljusdal where it is the worst. Our members are hard hit in private. Unlike businesses, there can be a saving of life, a retirement or even a legacy that burns. Marie Wickberg, head of communication at Mellanskog, told Expressen earlier.

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