Mona Jansson from Skövde received TBE


Mona does not remember anything that day five years ago, not even when he was there.

The only thing she knows, is what her daughter told: she called herself the ambulance, and then she became unconscious. How long she stayed in a coma, she does not know it, but in total she was hospitalized for three months, as Skaraborgs Allehanda first wrote

– When I woke up I was in the hospital. I could not go, I could not do anything. They treated me like a toddler and carried me almost everywhere. She told her brain to be so badly injured that she could not even speak at first.

– It took a lot of therapy to get back to thinking and to the automobile. It was really nice. A thing as simple as making a pearl necklace did not work.

Long back

She still has some sickness, including dizziness and leg problem.

– I fight every day As I could not go, the muscles in my legs were weakened, but I tried to do physical gymnastics every day and work at home, she said.

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Before illness, Mona often went out to nature at her home in Skövde , but never thought it could be dangerous

– I had ticks evenly. Then I had heard of Borrelia, but I thought that if I had it, I could not go to the health center, she said, and continue:

– It's good that you have eyes right now to be so dangerous. Previously, we did not talk about it.

Vaccine Shortage

Last year, the virus was destroyed, which GT has already written. In 2017, 391 cases were reported in Sweden, an increase of 62% over the previous year. Something that, in turn, has led to a shortage of vaccines throughout the country, because everyone wants to vaccinate at the same time.

But according to P4 Kronoberg, we can now expire. Due to the major shortage, the Swedish Medicines Agency has the opportunity to sell the vaccine in foreign packages.

– This means that both products available in Sweden can be sold to children and adults, "says Eva Arlander, Chief of Medicines. to P4 Kronoberg


It is an inflammation of the brain caused by a virus. The disease is transmitted to people via the tick and does not infect you personally. There is no treatment for the virus, but it can be prevented by vaccination. After being bullied, you are immune for the rest of your life.

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