The summary and Dagens Media will be collected in the same company after the purchase


Bonnier Business Media acquired all the shares of Dagens Media from Alma Talent on Wednesday. Previously, Media Media was part of Dagens Media.

Both media monitor what happens in the media, communication and marketing. The fact that Bonnier Business already partly has the same niches but focuses on the market, advertising and communication.

The acquisition is in line with Bonnier Business Media's strategy of developing industrial niche media in order to increase profits in areas where BBM is active.

– He feels incredibly amusing. Both the executive summary, the media media and the media world have incredibly talented and engaged employees. I look forward to the many opportunities that open up when we can now be under the same roof. Together we will be able to deliver even deeper industrial journalism and that is something that is needed in the complex and changing world of our customers, says Fredrik Svedjetun, Chief Editor of Abstract , who is also proposed independent editor for Dagens Media

Mikael Nestius CEO of Bonnier Business Media, is satisfied with his purchase

– The case makes sense given our strategy of Investment in niche media. The world of media and media today is part of a niche in which we firmly believe and which has great potential for growth. Consolidating the market by bringing together the leading brands in this niche will make us stronger. By this we can create an efficient and good organization, "he says.

Can not it be dangerous to buy a competitor?
– We do not think so. We already have it environmental success by buying the environmental law and the environmental report, we met them together and it was a great success, but we can not do that with Dagens Media and Summary. and environmental law

How should Dagens Media and Resume cooperate in the future? Who will monitor what?
– We do not know exactly – it is time to expel. First, we need to get to know their subscribers and then see how they map CVs We need to talk with customers and readers But we have an idea that one should focus on the media and another on communication and the market.If it is corre yes or no, we must arrive by talking with the employees.

What did the case cost?
– It is a question that we always get but never answer

Abstract sought Ulf Magnusson CEO of Alma Talent, as requested of recurrence [19659011] (function (d, s, id) {
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