What are you really doing at the bank after three hours?


This question has now been answered, at least with regard to Sölvesborg-Mjällby Sparbank and his management. For a long time, the CEO had his fingers in the jug and lived the happy days of life at the bank, that is, the cost of the customers.

It was discovered that the calendar was full of luxury travel, both private but also with some element of work, or conference as it is apparently called. The days consisted of golf, football, hockey and other pleasures. Evenings of good dinners and nights of long barrels.

The bank claims to work for the principal principle. There must be a high tower in this municipality if you can see Tokyo and New York all the way.

At home, he was also celebrated. The fall of Sweden Rock and its own 50-year race was probably higher, to the detriment of the bank. Everything is certified and approved by the nearest manager. The fact that the tax authorities have a different opinion is a weakness in this respect. Always someone will destroy the party.

The bank paid the rent of the director's apartment in Stockholm, it does not bother anyone. The comparison with the scandal of Sörmland's savings bank a few years ago, where the CEO and the chairman of the board had to leave with the tail between the legs is striking. In addition, the president of the Bank promised the fine and improvement. Now, I'm going to do the right thing.

It is strange that there were not already policies, regulations and routines before. Because there may have never been clear rules broken by the president and the president. Should there really be rules for these evidences? That it is crushed among the staff who does the rough work, both the present and those who have finished, it is not a secret. Trust for those involved must be exhausted. They should still realize it themselves and quit, but greed is too big and self-awareness too small.

The CEOs responsible for the company have the task of being responsible for the future of the bank with board members who are not already insured.

Antique Bank

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