Three Brexit Campaigns Violated the Law


The organization of the Vote Leave campaign, which was led by former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and former Justice Minister Michael Gove, will pay 61,000 pounds. or more than $ 700,000 fine.

The British Electoral Commission has now decided. The reason is, among other things, that the group has exceeded the amount spent during the campaign for the UK referendum on EU membership on June 23, 2016.

Other fines are veterans for Britain and BeLeave founder Darren Grimes. Several Police Notices

Several people, including Darren Grimes and David Halsall, leaders of the Vote Leave campaign, were reported to the police for various crimes that the electoral commission discovered during its review.

Regarding Britain's membership in the EU, campaigning organizations wishing to spend more than 10,000 pounds or more than $ 120,000 were required to report to the Electoral Commission and the United States. State who was most responsible for the campaign. collaborated when it is to use more funds than allowed.

"We found essential evidence that both groups worked with a common plan, did not declare collaborated and did not follow the limits of what they had to spend", said Bob Posner, head of the Financial and Legal Affairs Unit, in a press release

. The Vote Leave spokesperson tells Euronews that the electoral commission's report contains false accusations that are "incorrect and are not to be revised".

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