DIY Air Conditioning – You Make Your Own AC


There are almost no fans and air conditioning in the country.

Susanne Persson of Örebro took the case in hand and made her own AC.

– It's a lot cheaper than buying an AC, says Susanne Persson.

A bucket, PET bottles and a standard table fan. It's all you need to sleep better in the Mediterranean heat that extends over our elongated land.

Just five years ago, Susanne Persson, 51, was suspended from the heat.

iden to make a home-made air conditioner. We did not think we could afford to buy one and it would be a lot cheaper than buying an AC


The reason for the homemade AC consists of an empty laundry tank with a few holes in the bottom edge. In the holes, Susanne and her husband are stuck in cut PET bottles.

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Susanne has been using her AC home for several years

The bucket is then filled with ice water bottles, after which a nice coolness comes out of the holes when a fan is placed in it. opening.

– We were lucky The fan was just big enough to fit in the bucket opening. It seems really cool. Susanne does not cool the whole house, but for example the bedroom before going to bed, that's fine, says Susanne.

The construction has been widely used in recent weeks and Susanne learned that the shelf was laid on fans and air conditioners. She shares her tips on social media. The post was widely distributed

Photo: Private

Susanne likes to share her movie at home.

– I did not expect it, but it's very entertaining. These are only positive reactions, most people think that it is a very smart thing. Then it is good to spread a good idea so that many can benefit.

The components of the home-made air conditioner are things that many already have at home. Do not have bottles and buckets on hand. However, the third component is worse.

– It is however necessary to have a fan to have cold air, "says Susanne Persson laughing

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