Well, there has been this year's novelty of "beer can explode" – here are the previous explosion salads


It begins to be a beautiful love story, between a beer that may explode and Systembolaget. This afternoon, Systembolaget sent a press release stating that the American beer "Snow Cat Coffee Stout" (item number 1590 on Systembolaget) has a sell stop due to a risk of explosion.

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<img class = "wp-image-142106 size-full" src = "https://files.cafe.se/uploads/2018/07/Snow -cat-stout.jpg "alt =" The American beer "Snow Cat Coffee Stout" is sold by Systembolaget – as it may explode 19659005] The American beer "Snow Cat Coffee Stout" is stopped by Systembolaget – because it is likely to explode.

Newspapers are obviously ecstatic in the already fiery and fire-dominated news feed. But this is certainly not the first time we have reached information on a beer sold to Systembolaget, which may explode

2016 took place twice

Only in the summer when Gothenburg Brewery Poppels had to withdraw its "extra" special bitter "from Systembolaget because of the risk of 39; explosion.

  Gothenburg's Poppels Brewery and his

Göteborg Poppels beer and their "Extra Special Bitter" risk exploding.

– We checked our quality records and found that some of the bottles were postponed. Then, the pressure increases in the bottle. In other words, there was a risk that it could affect more customers. In consultation with Systembolaget, we decided to remove the current batch, Mats Wahlström commented on the risk of Poppel explosion.

A little later, in November 2016, New Zealand beer Aro Noir was in danger of disintegrating.

– As we have seen, some have exploded and the entire upper part of the bobbin has loosened. So, you should be careful not to get used to it, while System Company's press agent, Therese Elmgren, told Expressen: [2016/9014] 2016, New Zealand beer "Black Aro" was recalled. "width =" 900 "height =" 700 "srcset =" https://files.cafe.se/uploads/2018/07/Aro-Noir.jpg 900w, https://files.cafe.se/uploads/2018 /07/Aro-Noir-635×494.jpg 635w, https://files.cafe.se/uploads/2018/07/Aro-Noir-768×597.jpg 768w, https://files.cafe.se/uploads/2018 /07/Aro-Noir-30×23.jpg 30w, https://files.cafe.se/uploads/2018/07/Aro-Noir-322×250.jpg 322w "sizes =" (max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px "/>

2016, the New Zealand beer" Black Aro "was recalled as a result of a risk of explosion

We will see how long it will take before reaching the next news of a beer that may explode on Systembolaget …

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