Three recourse against the rules of the STP for the 700 MHz band


The Post and Telecommunications Agency recently presented the terms of the 700 MHz spectrum auction. The operators, for both 4G technology and the following 5G technology, hope that the frequency band will be good and expected by the operators.

All mobile network operators except Telia expressed concern that an operator could purchase the entire frequency range and obtain monopoly.

This one chose PTS to take into account, but still an operator would be able to buy the majority of the frequencies, and two divide them completely. Therefore, three call rules are called.

Three claim that STP rules violate several EU competition directives. Reference is also made to other EU countries where the practice has been guaranteed that existing operators are guaranteed allocation of frequencies.

What competes with Sweden in practice is five others. We have four major mobile operators, Telia, Tele2, Telenor and Tre, but they collaborate in different constellations so that in most places we have two mobile networks, two 3g networks and three 4g networks. The fact that it is just Tre who is appealing can be interpreted as a concern that Telia and the Tele2 / Telenor cooperation will divide the 700 MHz band between them and leave three on the outside.

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