Lundin Saga is asleep – Uppsala


UNT followed Saga Lundin in several reports, as when she was 15, she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Cancern was unbearable and Saga has in interviews and in his blog has publicly told us how to live with a cancer diagnosis and prepare to die. [LundilafamilleaannoncévialeblogqueSagas'estendormipendantlanuitcontrelundiDanslepostJessicaHammarlingmèredeSagasaécritqueSagaluiademandéd'écriresurlesderniersjoursdelavieJessicaécritentreautreschosesqueSagaàlafindelasemainedernièreestdevenusensiblementplusserréetétaitplusdouloureuxDanslesderniersjourselleétaitentouréedesesamisetdesafamille

Sunday night, all s & # 39; calmed down, writes Ms. Jessica. The family went to bed and when a nurse from the hospital would give Saga a refill of drugs, she realized that Saga had fallen asleep. The message continues: "We were not at all prepared, calm and quiet enough, Saga's body was in front of us in bed, but she had left it, as suddenly as odramatically, and just like Saga wanted to sleep. "

The message ends: "With all my heart, I am so grateful that Saga finally gets rid of her sickness, her aching body and become free! My beloved, beloved daughter! You will always be with us in our hearts! "

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