New cases of measles – but no general increase – Infection


A few weeks ago, a case of measles was discovered in a Malmö health center. Through this person's network of contacts, the infectious unit in the Skåne area could then locate an additional person in Trelleborg.

Despite the fact that two cases of measles have been identified in Skate in a short time, the development of measles cases is no more common than that of Sweden in general.

"The number of cases that occur each year varies a bit, and with a lot, I mean that in 2016, there have been three cases in total throughout the year, and the number of cases that occur each year is a little different. the following year, there were 41. But overall, we are at the same level as we have done in the last ten years. "Hélène Englund, investigator at the Public Health Agency for Today's medicine has reported 51 cases.

So far this year, 41 cases of measles have been reported. Helene Englund explains that it is very difficult to control the number of outbreaks at these low levels.

– How many cases are due to chance, for example how many people encounter the infection abroad and are sick after they return home. But also if there is a strong spread in Sweden after the return of the person.

"One of the most contaminated countries is Thailand, where many Swedes travel on vacation.

When traveling abroad, she advises people to review their immunization protection, even when traveling in Europe.

"Measles has really become this paradoxical disease because it has almost disappeared, but it still exists and has very serious consequences if it is taken care of or in a group of children where you have not yet vaccinated. the children.

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