Billions of dollars to luck in the United States



The amount of profits corresponds to almost SEK 14.5 billion.

If only one winner is 30 years old and lives at the age of 95, the person aged about 65 is about to spend the victory.

Every year, you have to spend about 223 million crowns, or about 611,000 crowns a day.

Although the daily budget may seem enough to live a lifetime, it is not enough to pay the star of Neymar football which, according to Der Spiegel, receives $ 958 000 per day to launch the ball PSG.

For those who are more inclined to waste all this money, 14.5 billion are just one index, more precisely 400 million SEK, more than what Sweden spent in 2017 in the budget line Culture, Media , Religious and Leisure.

The many billionaires of profits would also be nice enough to pay more than half of the Swedish child support for a year. In total, child support costs totaled $ 27.2 billion in 2017.

Source: Der Spiegel, State Annual Report 2017

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