Skåneläkare is congratulated: "that means a lot" – News in Trelleborg – 24 hours a day


This year's award to the successful young clinical researcher Skåne Region going 2018 to Andreas Edsfeldt, a doctor in the field of cardiovascular medicine Skåne university and researchers from Lund university. He announced the region on Tuesday in a press release.

His research aims to identify the reasons why patients with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

"The goal is to understand how diabetes affects the healing process of the vascular wall in order to find new risk markers and new treatment pathways to prevent cardiovascular disease." The best thing to do would be to prevent diabetes, but many already have the disease, so we need to learn to find patients at increased risk over time and treat them in new ways to reduce risk, "Andreas Edsfeldt said in a press release.

Andreas Edsfeldt sees this award as recognition of the work done by him and his colleagues.

– It means a lot. It's incredibly fun that what you do is important and that someone attaches importance to it. But many of us have worked hard together, so it's a price for everyone who has worked and worked with me in this project, "said Andreas Edsfeldt.

The prize is awarded on the day of the research in Malmo November 6th.

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