Bombardier Announces 5000 Employees | THE BUSINESS WORLD


The British-Canadian company Bombardier, which manufactures aircraft and trains, will reduce the number of employees by 5,000 over the next 12 to 18 months.

A new productivity program will save $ 250 million annually once the full rate is achieved, which the company expects to achieve in 2021.

At the same time, it is announced that Bombardier will sell certain activities described as non-core activities. The divestment is expected to generate net income of approximately $ 900 million.

Bombardier adjusts its revenue forecast for the 2018 fiscal year to $ 16.5 billion, up from $ 16.5 to $ 17.0 billion previously.

The adjusted operating profit forecast is also adjusted to approximately $ 1 billion, while previous forecasts were $ 0.9 billion to $ 1.0 billion.

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