Linköping climbs to the school ranking – Linköping –


According to the ranking of the teachers' association, which is based in particular on statistics on teacher density and school results, Vellinge in Skåne has the best school in the country. Vadstena is in third place and is therefore the best situated school district of Östergötland.

Linköping is setting up 18 of the 290 municipalities – a place that will appeal to city schools.

"I see this as a recipe for our long-term work to improve school results, which is a good single result for a municipality of our size and structure," commented Jakob Björneke (S), President of the Children and Youth Committee.

– It's great fun to see good results in Linköping, said Karin Granbom (L), chair of the board of education, in a comment.

The reason why Linköping climbs up the rankings is that more students finish upper secondary education in three years and the proportion of eligible students increases. The municipality also ranks first in the country in terms of the proportion of students who graduate from university.

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