A half-yearly queue for slaughter – News – Corren.se


Many food stores have already removed the ignition fluid, the hot plate and the disposable grids from the shelves of the stores. The big food chains have also adapted to the customers: the advertising campaigns have been stopped and the messages on the social networks have been modified.

Even inside and outside the store, we urged our store managers to think, "says Anna Rasin. Unusual barbecue summer

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There is a shortage of tailors in Swedish slaughterers.

Barracks are assumed to have a limited but negative effect on the sale of meat specially prepared for the grill, such as marinated meatballs. It's hard to say how difficult it is to do it, according to Anna Rasin

The roasting in Sweden is already down before the barbecue bans after the unusually pleasant and warm introduction of the summer

. . The genus was created by financially squeezed peasants who have now been in need of emergency slaughter since the drought destroyed half of the forage crop.

May increase the massacre

According to the textbook, the supply of meat increases. In the short term, this could be correct, according to Anna Rasin. But on a slightly longer horizon, 2019-2020, it prevents both deficits and price increases for Swedish meat if slaughter is cleaning up the crisis.

Paul Robertson, Director of Purchasing at KLS Ugglarps, Slaughterhouse. He hopes that farmers who, instead of emergency slaughter, can choose to buy additional food to cope with the crisis situation. In addition, he wants consumers and restaurants to show their support by buying more Swedish meat, which would ease the management of the crisis by the meat industry.

The more people choose to buy Swedish meat, the more one can increase the slaughter. went high speed already before the shortage of food. According to Tommy Ögren, CEO of Skövde's Butchery, the farmer who wants to book the slaughter must now wait until 2019.

This is not normal, he says about the gender at the time. Slaughterhouse

TT: What is normal?

"Pure Catastrophe"

The context is several years of positive development of meat prices, which gave priority to the production of meat by many farmers.

Tommy Ögren believes that there are a lot of animals in the fields. In crisis situations, the extra crew also needs additional staff. And according to Tommy Ögren, it is particularly difficult to find cutters with the right skills.

So even though we can kill twice in Skövde, we can not cut because there are no savvy cutters. The development is also pushing the Swedish Food Administration, which, with the increase in the volume of slaughter, must bring more vets to the slaughterhouse to cope with the ## 147 ############################################################################# 39 increase in the number of animal welfare and food safety checks. in a press release, Petter Jonsson, Acting Director of Food Inspection at the Food and Drug Administration of Sweden, announced in a press release

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