Additional case of measles in Stockholm – DN.SE


The infected child visited the Danderyd kut on July 14 and 17 and the Astrid Lindgren child's bed in Solna on July 18. Vården, in collaboration with Smittskydd Stockholm, belonging to the County Council, initiated a contagion trail. This means that they contact all the people who are in the waiting rooms where the child has stayed.

– The child is at home and on the road. We are working on this now to find the source of the infection. Sweden has very good immunization coverage, so the risk is not too great for more people to become infected, "says Maria Rotzén Östlund, Acting Head of Unit at Smittskydd Stockholm.

Measles is a very contagious disease. Most Swedes have been vaccinated, but babies, people born between 1960 and 1980, foreigners born in countries without protection programs and vaccinated people refuse protection.

So far this year, three measles cases have been discovered in Stockholm. In April and May, two adults died and earlier in July, an infected infant visited several health facilities

– Sorry, we have not yet found the source in this case, "says Maria Rotzén Östlund

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