Additional costs for newly purchased escalators


The construction company report shows an estimated additional cost to replace, among others, the missing components and extend the examination, operation and maintenance. The gaps are so great that the cost of maintaining and repairing escalators can rise to just over a quarter of a billion over the life of the machines.

It is not known who will pay

Any interview, but rather send a written answer. The answer does not clearly indicate whether escalator costs will be paid by the Stockholm County Council or Otis.

"SL exchanged the company Kone, which currently manages the maintenance and upkeep of escalators Otis still performs warranty work on existing escalators, but daily maintenance is provided by Kone. 19659005] "We are asking for reimbursement for faulty escalator repair costs, but SL is of the opinion that all costs incurred Broken escalators must be paid by Otis," says Per Hallberg, press communications manager Per Hallberg

Later in the evening, Per Hallberg returns in an email:

"Our main task is to ensure the safety of our passengers. We are now prioritizing this work. The division of responsibilities and responsibility for costs comes at a later stage and we should return to them.

Facing two elections

The report contains the two choices of the Stockholm County Council / Oti. First of all, you can solve the problems that can be solved for a sum of 20 million SEK and then calculate a score of 187 million SEK. The second option is not to take possible measures – which should result in an additional cost of SEK 111 million. However, if you choose to fix the problems, it will affect the traveler, writes Sweco in his report. The traffic administration could not answer Tuesday the question of whether they were discussing the different options

Otis escalators arrive at the top of the statistics of errors

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Photo: Nicklas Larsson / SVT Graphics

SVT News Stockholm has already reported that the new escalators at Odenplan and Stockholm City have been reported almost as many times as the remaining 98 escalators of Stockholm, the last year. The traffic management's response to the reasons why escalators delivered by Otis were falsely pointed out on numerous occasions was that escalators required uptime. This is not confirmed by the report of Sweco, considered one of the most qualified Swedish consultants in construction

The Swedish Transport Administration: not our responsibility

The Traffic direction in Stockholm County simultaneously criticizes the Swedish Transport Administration. It is the state that was responsible for sourcing and chose Otis as a supplier of escalators. However, when the escalators were completed, the state left the responsibility for maintenance and service to the Stockholm County Council.

– It was completed in March 2017. The 6th of April was handed over to the whole station (Stockholm red city). It means operation and maintenance immediately, "says Bengt Olsson, Trafikverket press officer

– When we finished the last year last year, we were not able to note gaps. that it is up to Otis to decide how the escalators are assembled. In the purchase, it is not specific what material to use in the construction.

– We talked about the type of service, security and operation that the stations will handle. What Otis chooses for materials, you do not have to do as a buyer and seller, says Bengt Olsson

– It turns out that it did not meet him, c & # 39; is a negotiation and a discussion between the builders and the Traffic Administration. ] SVT News Stockholm has asked Otis for both the mail and the contactless phone.

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