After the accident with the escalators – Odenplan opens Monday morning


The 21 escalators at Odenplan Station are dismantled, inspected, documented and reassembled, as well as road tests. The escalators are therefore safe and the station opens at 4:10 am on Monday morning, with 16 of the 21 escalators in operation.

Three of the escalators have rostangreb, the other two reprints needed.

– We have done incredibly intensive work with the Otis supplier and we are very pleased that we can open the traffic on Odenplan, "said Caroline Ottosson, CEO of SL.

Lower location for the city of Stockholm

The same thing does not apply to the city of Stockholm – the investigation of the 50 escalators continues.

– We work for Stockholm City, but it does not look good. We opened 16 escalators at the station and everyone is attacked by rust, "Caroline Ottosson told SVT News late Sunday evening.

At first, it will be difficult to predict when the station will reopen, explains Caroline Ottosson.

– It is very unfortunate, but it is the safety of travelers, so it is impossible to predict when we will be able to reopen

SL hired independent inspectors

About 20 Otis vendor specialists worked day and night with the escalators SL also hired an external group to review the measures taken by Otis

– We have not yet received an explanation, but we asked for an action and a plan of action when they will have an image of the situation, says Caroline Ottosson.

Rostangreb in spite of a year

Monday, an escalator of Stockholm station suddenly shone and wounded pl

After opening several escalators by SL, several of them had attacks they were only a year old.

SL decided to close all escalators and so both stations at night because there would not be enough escape routes if escalators could not be used [19659016] [ad_2]
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