Airline »Aerial News» Flight News »Norwegian pulls down on the domestic line


It was in March 2017 that Norwegian started the new domestic line between Arlanda and Skellefteå. As a result, SAS, which until then had been on the line for several years, saw Skyways drop traffic to destination. Norwegian went there with three daily rotations on weekdays and one on Saturdays and Sundays.

On the contrary, many people have not categorized the two airlines. Instead, it became a competition and price pressure that further attracted the airline and Skellefteå Airport was able to quickly see that the development of passengers had gained more power from Norwegian about 850 annual flights. Even after a few months, the previous records were broken with a wide margin.

– In August, we increased 78% and this year we increased 48% over last year. There are incredible numbers that I think are unprecedented in Swedish aviation. We are approaching a record high of 400,000 when the year has to be reconciled, "said Robert Lindberg.

But now it is still at risk of a sharp increase in the number of passengers since Norwegian announced that it was leaving two daily flights out of three. Just Skellefteå was one of the destinations that Norwegian raised as a line threatened before the government decision to introduce the aviation tax.

– It's a combination of poor profitability and aviation tax that makes us choose to reduce capacity. We would like to keep this line, so we have chosen to reduce capacity, "says Charlotte Holmbergh Jacobsson, Communications Manager at

Overall, there is a distribution of about 60% of the volume. And after all, Norwegian stays in Skellefteå with a daily start on weekdays and Saturdays and two on Sundays.

SAS, meanwhile, keeps up to five departures a week from Skellefteå. Unlike the Norwegian, which was referenced on the B737-800 route, SAS was able to switch from one type of aircraft to another, from the CRJ-900 to the A320neo, depending on of the demand for the different departures. SAS has also added one of the lines of the new base in Malaga to Skellefteå.

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Bet on Environmental Fuel
Written by Lisb, 2018-07-04 22:14:39
True, investment in environmental fuel can be good but who do you think you should pay?
Who never flies or those who use the plane?

The environmental fuel costs today 4 to 10 times more and is not in sufficient quantity. Now, the need for environmental fuel for the plane will also increase for cars. Deficiency always creates higher prices.

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The flight tax is the reason!
Written by Mhed, 2018-07-04 21:20:36
It is unfortunate that some do not understand how the flight tax affects the economy for a flight. If you take a flight with a 738a packed with 186 seats, you lose 11 160kr. And count with 5 revolutions a day, which will be 10 x 11 160 = 111 600kr. And if you count on each flight to or from Sweden, the gains will be less than one million each day. It is therefore not surprising that it is not economical to take the plane with a low number of passengers.

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The flight tax is the reason!
Written by Mhed, 2018-07-04 21:20:33
It is unfortunate that some do not understand how the flight tax affects the financier for a flight. If you take a flight with a 738a packed with 186 seats, you lose 11 160kr. And count with 5 revolutions a day, which will be 10 x 11 160 = 111 600kr. And if you count on each flight to or from Sweden, the gains will be less than one million each day. It is therefore not surprising that it is not economical to take the plane with a low number of passengers.

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More Tax
Written by Theobald Atterdag, 2018-07-04 18:44:39
Quadruple the treasure! They are welcome to please.

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Written by Gh, 2018-07-04 17:57:06
The flight tax is a problem if you live on the margin that we have seen. It is generally said that the weak do not survive. Now, it may be that this tax increase is not so great and that it does not have such an effect. But if you intend to continue raising taxes on the plane, it will certainly have a fierce impact on more airlines, at least I am convinced of that.

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The flight tax does not work
Written by Lunke, 2018-07-04 17:56:04
The tax is just an excuse for l & rsquo; State to raise funds. Do not make any improvement to the environment as a whole. I will never fly less from an environmental point of view, on the contrary more, to avoid taking the car, which rejects more CO2 / km / passengers.
Betting on biofuel gives more environmental benefits than the air tax.

It is difficult
Written by pf, 2018-07-04 15:07:08
to gain profitability on a 186-seat in a small market like Skellefteå seems to be [19459003Ifyouhaveothermarketsyoucanflythereifitimprovesprofitability

The flight tax is sufficient in the calculation base, but probably does not mean more than 2-3% less charge.

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Flight Tax
Written by Tellan, 2018-07-04 11:28:03
Jahop, Norwegian law is still on the air tax .. Strange to say that BRA can fly without problems.
But it's an inexpensive way to escape

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Tax Works
Written by André, 2018-07-04 10:04:44
Thus, the flight tax gives exactly the expected results. People are flying less, which is very good for the environment. It is unreasonable to burn tons of fossil fuels to transport hundreds of people a few kilometers.

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Norwegian in Crisis
Written by Lisb, 2018-07-04 07:33:37
The Flying Tax is not a problem! The person who claims this has no knowledge of thefts. The flight was largely tax-free. That a tax of 60: – Sweden / EU would be a reason why Norway reduces the number of departures Skellefteå is an absurdity.
PS! The Norwegian has big financial problems The question is to know if they survive in the fall. They basically get customers on the nearest tickets giving.
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