Amazon buys delivery services in Sweden


Most people point out that the Amazon e-commerce platform is being entered in Sweden.

Recently, the company requested payment services in Sweden last year, and, according to sources, Di Digital was recruited

Read more: Amazon launches the Swedish payroll

At the moment, Amazon is exploring the market for expanded deliveries in Sweden. The deal involves, among others, Postnord, which received a request from the e-commerce giant during the year.

"The levels that they have indicated now mean that they will not become one of our major customers.But everyone knows that they have the good habit of developing quickly. their business when they enter new markets, "says Thomas Backteman, director of communications at Postnord, Di Digital

Breakit site was the first to report on contacts between parties. [19659002] According to Di Digital, Amazon follows the same pattern as the old business establishments, where they initially ship goods from their own warehouses in other countries. </ P> <p> According to Di Digital data, c & d Is in Sweden that the goods are shipped from warehouses in Germany and Great Britain.

Purchases from logistics companies are not completed, but Thomas Backteman expects from him that it s & # 39; Installs in Sweden [19659002] "As we said earlier, we believe that this year we will establish a stronger presence in the Nordic region. The fact that they went out and asked the market indicates even more clearly than it is. "

To find out more: Postnords on Amazon's Threat:" Necessity of Lowering Prices "

] Postnord also looks very carefully at the future establishment of the Amazonian in Sweden.

"They are present, I can say. We discuss it up to management, "said Arne Andersson, e-commerce specialist at Postnord.

Postnord has long received many criticisms from customers and contractors about how the company handles parcels, delivery times and packages that disappear. . Deliver for Amazon will be another challenge.

"If we drive for Amazon, it will require a lot of us, Amazon's criteria for deliveries are not difficult, if the dealers do not deliver as promised via the platform, they are lowered by Amazon, then they call and bark at us, "says Arne Andersson at Postnord.

Amazon wants to seduce Stockholm – offers free offices [19659004]

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