Annika Strandhäll's criticism of Swedish Democrats' abortion


The Swedish Democrats, the only party in the Swedish parliament that wants to lower the abortion limit, want the border to last 12 weeks, unlike the 18th today.

The question ended up being criticized by political opponents. .

According to Paula Bieler, spokeswoman for SD's gender equality policy, the party is based on a medical and ethical perspective to discuss their position:

– Current legislation is also based on a balance between the wishes, wishes and rights of the fetus and that of the mother or pregnant woman. This is why we do not have a free abortion during the entire pregnancy. There is already a limit to this kind of consideration and on the basis of this discussion. We are landing at a different time, said Bieler at DN.

Strandhäll: science to decide

The Socialist now criticizes the point of view of the Swedish Democrats and argues that it is not up to politicians to decide without being determined on the basis of science.

"The scientific controls and today, Swedish health care can save children born in week 22. Severe limitation of women's right to make decisions on their body at week 12 is unscientific and favorable for women, "writes Strandhäll in a statement. DN.

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