Antibiotic resistant infections increase in Europe


Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria represent almost as many diseases in the European Union as flu, HIV and tuberculosis combined. It shows a calculation made by researchers from Lancet Infectious Diseases.

According to the researchers, this is the first time that the burden of antibiotic-resistant infections, measured in years of so-called disability-adjusted life, has been evaluated, which means the loss of years of life. perfect health.

In 2015, these infections accounted for nearly 875,000 of these infections in EU countries, including Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein.

However, the situation has varied greatly from one country to another. The worst were the situation in Italy and Greece, where infections caused more than 420 dalyss per 100,000 inhabitants. The third most serious case concerns the situation in Romania, with about 260 dalyss per 100,000 inhabitants.

Of the 30 countries, Sweden ranked sixth at the end with a morbidity burden of about 50 dalyss per 100,000 population.

Overall, the burden of disease and the number of deaths caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria have increased more than twice since 2007.

According to the report, funded by the European Infectious Disease Authority, antibiotic-resistant infections would have caused about 33,000 deaths by 2015, one-third of them in Italy.

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