Application-based authentication can allow developers to read your emails in Gmail


It all started with a report in the Wall Street Journal, noting that anyone who gives a third-party application full access to Gmail can also give developers permission to read even e-mails. That this happens is of course a completely different question, but it is quite possible to quickly create a lot of worry among many Gmail users. All of this is certainly a reminder that you need to be careful about the permissions and privileges you give to apps, but at the same time, there is a soothing message about the Google question.


According to Google, a thorough review of all third-party applications that request permission to request privileges to read the content of Gmail before they are approved is considered. It is a multi-step process that includes both automated and manual moments, where the developer and the application in question are evaluated at multiple levels. In addition, Google checks that the application really does what it claims to do and nothing else. Google also encourages anyone to use the company's security check tool to see which apps have access to their account. In addition, you must remind users to read what they say before giving application privileges.

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