As a result, young women are the hardest hit by gray weather


A few hours of sunshine are not the only thing that exceeds our mood. Gray weather is also an important factor of well-being, "said Arne Lowden, sleep and stress researcher at Stressforskningsinstitutet, Stockholm University.

"The difference in quality between light and light is very big.To keep the good mood, you may need 30 minutes of daylight per day.But in gray weather you will probably need a little more long period of daylight because the light does not have the same therapeutic effects.

This has different effects, among others, on the cortisol system, the body stress activation system. This in turn affects the regulation of mood, which makes us stupid.

– This shows the good deals made. This is not very controversial, but little research has been done, says Arne Lowden.

The most affected women

Studies from the Institute for Stress Research show that women, and especially young women, may be negatively affected by lack of light and low light.

– These groups stay at least on the outside. In studies conducted in 2012 and 2014, 15,000 people have long been asked to stay out in daylight in conjunction with work days and days off.

But it's important to distinguish between symptoms and clinical depression, argues Arne Lowden.

"Only a fraction of all individuals need clinical treatment for depression in the fall and winter.Most people are coping every day, even with depressive symptoms.

Enjoy the sun

Three good tips are to go out when one is free, go on a summer vacation and try light therapy, says Arne Lowden.

– Light therapy is accepted, so you can not exclude the placebo effect. It may not be important for the individual, but it will complicate the research.

But time does not have the greatest impact on our well-being, according to Arne Lowden.

"Light and exercise have a big impact, but the most important factor is everyday stress," he said.

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