ATG launches sports games and an online casino


Malmö. In January, it is possible to play sports games and an online casino on

At the same time, it will be possible to play sports games at ATG at dealerships

Hans Skarplöth, CEO of ATG Wednesday 1965

The new game starts to apply from 1st January 2019.

As of today, August 1st, it is possible to apply for a license.

Businesses That Meet Certain Requirements This includes responsible gaming, moderate marketing, and a 18 percent corporate tax will be allowed.

ATG CEO, Hans Skarplöth, had the intention to go to the Lotteries Inspection, which will be the authority of the game in Strängnäs. the paper package with the request personally when they open at 9:00 on Wednesday morning.

However, no one is in place who can receive the request so she will be sent instead.

– She has never hurt to be first come first served. We had a lot of people who worked extensively with us this summer because the instructions for the application came very late, says Hans Skarplöth

Expanding the supply

The application is made for horses, other sports and online casino. At ATG, from the beginning of the year, you will be able to play sports, football, ice hockey and online casino games at the same time.

New products will be offered via and for sports games in the shop.

Kambi becomes a sports box supplier, while Evolution Gaming was chosen as a live casino partner

– ATG will be the largest company in the Swedish licensing market – two million customers, plus than anyone, and more than four billion net sales. twice as much as anyone else. Svenska Spel will be divided into different companies, where only a small part of Svenska Spel will enter the licensing market, "explains Hans Skarplöth

What is the reason you want to offer sports games and casinos in line?

– We know that our two million customers spend $ 25 of their gaming horse, we know that our two million customers account for 70% of the gaming business's turnover and 70% of sales online casino. Our ambition is to ensure that our $ 25 is transformed into something more by offering these products.

Any surplus to owners

ATG will continue to own 90% Swedish Travsport and 10% Swedish Galopp.

19659004] – ATG is the engine of the Swedish horse industry, especially for trotting and galloping. Any surpluses generated by the sports games and casinos sector will also return to the horse industry, "says Hans Skarplöth

the gaming company determined its goal when the gaming market conditions change now.

– We will offer exciting gaming experiences in a simple and cool way, "says Hans Skarplöth.

– Exciting gaming experiences mean that the experience will be something more than here and now – that is, it's interesting before, just like V75 is exciting before, during and after. And we want to try to realize the new products.

– We decided that we will not be offering games to more than 60 gamgard, it's a risk assessment tool developed by game researchers where more than 60 are over at risk. What generates points in the system is very fast, so when we launch an online casino, we will remove some features and add response tools that will make us less than 60 years old.

– Agility is an "endless story" where we screw up things all the time. We have not yet reached the "nirvana", but we want to make it as easy as possible for a client

An extensive process

How sports games and online casino will- they presented on the site?

did a lot of development work for a year. We are a horse game company – we will have an idea of ​​the behavior you have as a customer.If you are primarily interested in horse games, it is mainly what you are going to encounter.

You have personally been to Almedalen that online casinos should be banned, how are you going to offer it yourself?

– I can not say that I was particularly successful when the Riksdag voted that it should be a legal product, haha.

– The Riksdag decided that from January 1st, the online casino is a legal product in Sweden, which means that we have the choice to offer it or force our customers elsewhere where we do not know what is offered to them. In the end, the decision to make our customers and our company more unrecognized was rather simple. Knowing that 70% of sales come from our two million customers, this becomes a natural part of what we offer.

What do you set for goals in terms of business turnover on sports games and online casinos?

– There is nothing we communicated. The big thing for us is to increase the 25 crowns of 100 in our clients' wallet, our major competitive advantage is that we have two million customers and now it's time to make them pay more for their game with us .


Are sports games and online casino not likely to focus on horse games?

– We must continue to develop our horse game product. If I look for ten years in the future, ATG sales will mainly consist of horse games, we will continue to be associated with horse games.

– I understand that it can be considered controversial in the horse world. But in the end, every time we have access to the horse industry, the option would have been to go out and withdraw less money.

– Again; All proceeds go to the horse industry

What will your gambling deduction look like when you go from 35% corporate tax to 18% corporate tax? ?

– This is in circle about 700 million crowns. Now we can decide the game deductions themselves – exactly what we mean, we do not know we are watching it.

An investigation was done on how to repay the horse industry for all gaming companies. The investigation will be completed on October 31, 2020.

1 of 3 | Photo: LARS JAKOBSSON / TR BILD

ATG CEO Hasse Skarplöth is suspended from the Lotter's inspection Wednesday morning

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