Authority puts a vaccine report in the throat – News –


Swedish confidence in vaccination against red dogs, measles and mumps (MPR) is the lowest in the EU as a whole. The EU average is 80%, but in Sweden, just over half of residents think the vaccine is safe or important.

Be that as it may, the European Commission's study presented last week prompted public health experts to put an end to erosion. Especially because Sweden has the biggest coverage of this vaccine in the Union. At the last survey, 97% of all children born in 2015 were vaccinated and for several years, the proportion of vaccinated inheritance regularly exceeded 95%, a desirable limit for so-called group immunity vis-à-vis to these diseases occur.

Several errors

This does not coincide with such low confidence and high coverage, "said Adam Roth, director of the immunization program of the TT Public Health Agency.

Therefore, the public health authority believes that the Swedish part of the report should be reconfirmed, says the pharmaceutical world.

We have been in contact with the research team and they themselves have announced that they will return the question, "said Adam Roth.

TT: But do you think the report should be done simply because you have not got the answer you want or because the report is incorrect?

We found several errors in the collection, analysis and interpretation of the data. Including errors in wording and translation.

"Information" dangerous

For example, he says, the Swedes received a question about the "MMR vaccine", 35% of them saying that they did not know whether it was important or safe.

But the vaccine is not called ROR in Sweden, but the RPM or more often the "measles vaccine" or "vaccine at 18 months," says Adam Roth.

Today, he says, parents want more and more information about the vaccines their children receive.

It is positive, but it is important then that parents have access to the right information. You should not underestimate the importance of spreading errors in immunization programs, "says Adam Roth.

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