Azure Raises Results from Microsoft – Computer Sweden


Microsoft is number two in the cloud infrastructure market after Amazon Web Services (according to analyst Synergy Research, Microsoft had a 13% global market share in the first quarter versus AWS 33%) . But it is clear that it is a business that is growing so it is cracking for Microsoft. When the company releases its last quarter, which is the fourth in the company's fiscal year, there are sharp increases in the cloud.

Read more: Microsoft and Google are growing in the cloud market – but AWS is in decline

increased by 89% over the same period last year.

In total, server products and cloud services grew by 26% over the period.

– Our initial investment in the smart cloud is delivering results now and we will continue to grow in large and growing markets. innovations, comments CEO Satya Nadella.

Microsoft's productivity and Microsoft's business processes, including Office 365, increased 13.1% to $ 9.67 billion.

Read more: In total, Microsoft has increased its turnover by 17.5% to 30.09 billion dollars, compared to the corresponding period last year.

Earnings rose to 8.87 billion, up from last year. $ 8.07 billion.

For the full year, Microsoft increased sales by 14% to $ 110.4 billion

. IBM Analytics University expected in Stockholm 17-20 September 2018

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