Backstroke for Stordalen – sheep the noble of "Blondinbella"


According to Löwengrip, the reason is that the time of departure is wrong.

"This morning, my intuition has begun to speak because a business idea with Stordalen is not right. Rationally, I understand that it is certainly good for me to start a business. with him, I have a lot to learn.But the idea itself is not good, writes the blogger, who was named this spring the most powerful woman of the Swedish company by Veckans Affärer.

According to Isabella Löwengrip, the publishing industry is facing major changes, but this is not the time to enter, she believes.

"The idea is to create a co-publisher, great cool for me who loves books, but as I wrote earlier, there is no momentum I do not see. not how we can do it better than anyone for the moment, she writes.

Another actor in the book industry has recently withdrawn from the cooperation with Petter Stordalen. The hotel king became the owner of a publishing house of Pilar, Capitana and Gloria, where the last publisher chose, a few days ago, to buy back this collaboration.

Isabella Löwengrip establishes in her blog parallels between the past music industry and the current publishing industry:

"Many years ago, when we were playing music on a tape recorder at home, many entrepreneurs began to think that they could carry the music to the outdoors. a free style so you can play the disc on the outside.Then you want to simplify the music input.The ones who were in this bike immediately started thinking that they were going to make the discs still smaller and then arrived at minidisc.But it has become a failure, instead a change has occurred; mp3: n come And all the rest is dead.We are few in many sectors, we are waiting for a change, there will be no new publications, but a new way of publishing books.If you publish even more books, I am convinced that intermediaries will disappear in all industries. "

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