Badsår fever discovered in Blekinge | SVT News


Bathing fever can occur if a person with open wounds bathes in the water where the bacteria live, and usually affects the elderly and other people whose immune systems are weakened.

Blekinge recently received the first case of this year's fever. This is an 80 year old woman who has had other underlying illnesses and is bathed. In her case, bath fever has led to blood poisoning and she is now supported on the skin.

The risk of the disease increases as it warms up in the water, and the bacteria that causes swim fever to develop better in the heat.

Finding ways to reduce the risk

– If you're older and have a leg injury, it's easier to stalemate on the bath, but you do not want to go out with your grandchildren.

He then advises to protect the wound with solid plastic that you can stick to the wound. If you know that you belong to the risk group and have been in open water, it is important to wash well with soap and water. If you get sick after a bath, it is very important to tell your doctor that you have taken a bath so that the treatment is correct.

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