Balloon with banknotes s' flew – Uppsala


Eva Rosqvist and Fredrik Hedbys, two spouses, booked a honeymoon in Zanzibar, where they planned to go kite surfing. At the wedding party in Fredshammar, the couple's friends wanted to make an economic boost for the trip.

– These are our very creative friends from Uppsala who made a lot of five hundred in a transparent balloon as a wedding gift. They knew our kit plans on Zanzibar. They put money in a helium balloon and tied it to something very strong, "said bride Eva Rosqvist at Dala Democrat

The couple did not know that the balloon contained banknotes

– We had an amazing weekend and it's just a fun story.If a mushroom picker finds the money, we hope it's will entertain for him, but if someone submits it and we recover it, it would be fun too, "says Eva Rosqvist.

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