Better management results in Kungsleden | THE BUSINESS WORLD


Real Estate Company Kungsleden's rental income amounted to SEK 596 million in the second quarter, compared with 590 million SEK in the same period one year earlier.

Real Estate Company estimates that the company will reach the goal of 1.2 billion SEK in 2019 as Kungsleden said for 2020.

As stated by the CEO in the interim report for the second quarter.

The good development of the rental market is driven by the good underlying growth of the economy.

"Nobody lasts forever Predictions for the Swedish economy continue to show good growth for the rest of the year 2018, with a slight slowdown by 2019. This, combined with some good rental results stable, to successful project development and additions Of quality properties recently acquired, I estimate that already in the year 201 we can achieve the goal of 1.2 billion crowns in the management results we set for 2020, "says CEO Biljana Pehrsson

The operating surplus was 396 million (391) and the management result of 276 million (250).

Unrealized changes in value of goods amounted to SEK 404 million (288) while unrealized changes in financial instruments were SEK 67 million (289)

After taxes, the result was 528 million (440); (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n .callMethod?
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