British company researches minerals on Österlen


– You want the field as it is with agriculture and pastures. That's what we feed and I want to give it to my children, "says Boel Holm, landowner of Onslunda on Österlen

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Boel, Selma and Edith Holm.

She and her family live on a farm in the area that the company Scandivanadium Ltd was allowed to investigate in search of minerals. The company hopes to find vanadium, an element used in the manufacture of batteries.

Critical voices in the region

The Swedish Highland State authorized the company to conduct research in the regions of Virrestad and Killeröd. But the company wants to investigate more places in the southern and central regions. Many municipalities, the Skane County Administrative Council and landowners oppose the company's plans

– Food production is at least as important as mining and without food we can not live. It's unfortunate when two industries are hired, says Leif Sandberg (C), Tomelilla's City Council.

He does not want conditions for the landscape to be demolished and that there will be breakthroughs at Tomelilla and in neighboring municipalities.

– There are several reasons, especially for environmental reasons. We have a large water table in Fyledalen, which supplies water to 70,000 households in southeastern Sweden and a large food industry that needs clean, good quality water. " declared Leif Sandberg

. Bergsstaten that several areas may be negatively affected by the survey work and it is not suitable for future mining and mineral beneficiation.

The Municipality of Simrisham says that there is a risk that drinking water is contaminated and that there is

Hörby is also part of the municipalities concerned

– We, Social Democrats, we oppose, but we have not yet formulated, "said city council Susanne Meijer (S).

To investigate other regions

] In ten regions in southern and central Sweden, London-based Scandivanadium Ltd. wants to investigate, looking for gold, silver, zinc, copper, iron and vanadium. The company was founded in March 2018 and has two owners, both in the financial world.They hired a Swedish consultant, Amanda Scott at Scott Geological AB in Malå, who wrote their requests to Bergsstat

– They are particularly interested in vanadium used in batteries Many companies are looking for vanadiu According to Amanda Scott, the price has risen a lot in recent years. [ad_2]
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