British Electoral Commission: Brexit Campaign Broke Trial and Delayed Investigation at Every Foreign Step


The main campaign for an EU withdrawal leave in the UK will pay fines for spending more as part of its Brexit campaign than the allowed choice. The campaign is also accused of attempting to delay the investigation over the last

The official campaign for a UK withdrawal from the EU, Vote Leave, was sentenced to pay fines for violating the law.

concluded that the campaign used more money for his campaign than the authorized choice

Vote Leave attempted to circumvent the law by using bulges, specifically the smaller and unofficial Brexit campaign BeLeave .

could reveal that BeLeave acted in practice in the context of a leave with voting rights without being notified to the electoral authorities.

The postponement of the leave should also have been misleading, according to the Commission

. the investigation and forced the Commission to take unprecedented legal measures evismaterial.

Clear Collaboration

– We found significant evidence that both campaigns were operating under a common plan, not communicating their cooperation, and not being able to keep pace with campaign spending limits, "says Bob Posner, who led l & # 39; investigation. According to the Commission, the legal limit of seven million pounds has been exceeded by more than half a pound

Money has been used to purchase digital marketing services by a Canadian company with links with the scandalous company Cambridge Analytica. bussi "title =" Kampanjbussen som lovade att andt utträde skulle innebära 350 miljoner pund extra veckan för hälsovård fick stor uppmärksamhet. Kampanjledarna har sedermera sagt att löftet inte skulle tas bokstavligen. "Src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "itemprop =" image "content =" /upload/fl_keep_iptc,e_auto,fl_progressive/q_88/w_3200/w_3200,h_1798,c_crop,x_0,y_90/w_700/v1471508082/17-6020657b56d99c1931.jpg "data-base-url =" https: //images.cdn.yle. fi / image / upload / fl_keep_iptc, f_auto, fl_progressive / "data-public-id =" 17-6020657b56d99c1931 "data-yle-id =" 17-6020657b56d99c1931 "data-crop-coords =" w_3200, h_1798, c_crop, x_0, y_90 "data-image-width =" 4743 "data-image-height =" 2665 "data-image-version =" 1471508082 "data-initial-width =" 3200 "data-default-width =" 300 "class =" ydd-image__ picture lazyload "data-src =",e_auto,fl_progressive/q_80/w_3200/w_3200,h_1798,c_crop,x_0,y_90/w_300/v1471508082/ 17-6020657b56d99c1931.jpg "/>

L The campaign bus that promised a withdrawal would mean £ 350 million a week for health care received a lot of attention. The campaign leaders later declared that the promise should not be taken literally.
The British European Union leaves the liberation campaign
Image: EPA / STR
Kuningaskuluttaja (Tv), Brexit

and transmitted his investigative material to the police.

Police will now see if other crimes committed by the Commission's investigative warrant have not been committed during campaign work.

– These are serious violations of the laws established by Parliament to ensure fair and transparent elections and referendums.

The campaign was sentenced to a fine of £ 61,000 while the founder and president of BeLeave will pay a fine of £ 20,000

Refuses all crimes – "politically motivated hunting"

[19659002] In a written statement, activists say that the work of the Commission was motivated more by a political agenda than by the facts.

– The report contains a number of false accusations and incorrect assumptions that can not be tolerated, depending on the campaign.

The campaign, supported by, among others, former Foreign Minister Boris Johns The campaign for the violation of the Brexit law is also accused.

– We are now considering using all possible legal means to correct the situation and are confident that we will see this report invalid, writes campaign.

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