Capio is doing well in the Nordic region – worst in Germany | Gothenburg after


A week ago, French healthcare giant Ramsay Générale de Santé proposed an offer to the Swedish healthcare group, which Capio later rejected in reference to a strategy of concentrating operations in the Nordic region.

READ MORE: Capio Rejects French Offer

When Capio publishes second-quarter figures, sales rose from just over 3.88 billion to nearly 4 , 18 billion compared to the second quarter of this year. period last year. This corresponds to an increase of 7.7%. If you plan to buy acquisitions and look for organic growth, it is 1.6%.

The result – before interest, taxes and depreciation – reached 138 million, against 142 million in the same period last year. This corresponds to a margin of 3.3% against 3.7% last year.

At a press conference and analysts Friday, CEO Thomas Berglund explained that he was pleased with the development. We have had good or very good development in most groups – more than 90% of what we expect or even more than we expect.

The smallest market, Germany, is experiencing profitability problems. Here, there has been a problem of attaining productivity that France and the Nordic countries have shown.

– We are in the process of reorganizing and replacing management and also replacing physicians with a more positive generation as to the type of medication that is being used today. According to Thomas Berglund, it's not good for patients to stay unnecessarily in hospitals, and if you do, you can also save money – so that people recover faster.

. Capio focuses on specialization – for example in geriatrics, ie care for the elderly – and on digitization. The company operates 105 health centers and has nearly 900,000 patients – nine percent of the Swedish population.

The CEO of Capio received questions from analysts explaining the strategy of focusing on the Nordic countries and selling the business in Germany and France – something that the board has not taken Final decision concerning

More countries in the Nordic countries

Here, the CEO of Capios explained that there are greater business opportunities in the Nordic market, for example, for stimulate digitization. There is also a clear demand for specialized health care. While Capio with current finances may make smaller purchases from other healthcare companies, sales in France and Germany would free up resources for larger acquisitions, "explained the CEO.

Since the health care business is currently operating in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, Thomas Berglund has asked if it was about acquisitions in Finland [19659003AsfarasIknowtherearefivecountriesintheNordicregionandthefifthreplied:

Capio's share has declined slightly in the initial trade on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

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