Careers Association: 10,000 more hours this summer


"The most difficult operations have a high crew 24 hours a day and require specialized knowledge, but even the municipal health services have had problems with sufficient personnel for safe care," said Eva-Lotta Lager, President of the Jönköping Health Care Federation.

What was good was that those who requested a four-week vacation had it – but it also meant that those who worked had worked for two people.

Good with daily check

On a professional level, day-to-day management with managers responsible for coordinating health care at the hospital was considered positive. But otherwise, the vision of the employer over the summer has not been good.

"Many unit managers have reported gaps in the work environment in terms of staffing, many overtime and gaps in IT support, care facilities and security patients.

It describes the situation of the work environment, care facilities and patient safety, which shows that 39% of Eksjö reports involved high risks or risks, compared with 38% in Ryhov. and 13% in Värnamo.

What lessons do you think you can draw from the evaluation?

"The lesson is that the situation is extremely worrying, how will the region become an attractive employer to recruit doctors? Doctors and backjour, it is necessary to have experience and competence. and nurses must be cared for.

What do you think this leads?

"It depends if the politicians read the protocols and accept, and then I think the listeners could look at something.

Bengt Hultberg hopes that the tax increase, which risks being abolished, will not materialize without an investment in staff.

– You must invest in those that already exist and make sure you can recruit. You have to dare to use the salary to improve the conditions.

Facts: Career Report

The Careers Association analyzed the responses to the questionnaire on overtime, work ordered and gaps.

Facts: Career Report

The Careers Association analyzed the responses to the overtime questionnaires, as well as the work and deviation reports commissioned from 24 elected municipal council and municipal representatives in June, July and August.

In medical care, overtime lasted about 10,000 hours and surgical care about 7,000 hours.

On the women's link, about 70 abnormalities were written and about 40 abnormalities were written on the intensive care unit in Eksjö.

At the women's clinic, there are about 30 overtime records, but it is thought that they are more numerous.

The Career Federation believes that planning must begin earlier and be more professional.

Working conditions need to be improved for staffing and hours of work, as well as wages.

More jobs in the education sector related to paid work hours would solve the lack of specialized nurses.

(Source: Careers Association)

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